Welcome to ERDA’s Musculoskeletal Dance Rehabilitation Clinic.


With safety and education in dance practice two of our key values at ERDA, we are delighted to offer a unique rehabilitation clinic as a member of the Philip Cutts Pain Management and Rehabilitation group.


As with any form of exercise and lifestyle, injuries are prevalent, however what makes our rehabilitation programmes unique is the combination of an anatomical and physiological assessment, along with first hand knowledge of the biomechanical demands a dancer’s body performs.


Being a dance specialist gives us that unique insight into the work a dancer’s body encounters, plus the huge impact it can have on an individual when unable to train due to injury.


The aim is a stronger, better informed patient, free from reoccuring pain and injury.


Specialist designed treatment programmes will be devised from

an in-depth musculoskeletal assessment of each patient.



Initial Consultation: £65

Therapist Rehabilitation Session Up To 1 Hour: £35

As an apprentice for the organisation, whilst Emily is still training, ALL consultations will be under the supervision and guidance of Philip Cutts.


Please email: erdarutland@gmail.com to book an appointment.